Try to design an active filter

If you need to design an active filter, you can face huge challenges, especially when manually calculating the filter. There are many variables to consider.

Looking at Figure 1, you need to solve these and eve

How Sensors Create More Demands for Intelligent Lighting Systems

Everything becomes "clever". Especially with things related to the Internet of Things (IoT), its enormous market growth potential has long been predicted. The new possibilities of the network and the huge data resulting from it provide countless product visions. For example, at b

How to create a new project with mcgs configuration

How to create the main screen of MCGS configuration

1) First double-click the desktop MCGS configuration environment icon to enter the configuration environment. The middle window of the screen

New IoT Core - Motion-Based Sensor IoT Applications

Driven by the proliferation of high-quality sensors, reliable connectivity and data analysis, industrial efficiency has taken a new step, and the automation and mobility of these smart

Netstat view port usage

Netstat is a console command and a very useful tool for monitoring TCP/IP networks. It displays routing tables, actual network connections, and status information for each network i