Laser projectors have "original" and "retrofitting" points can be banned

The projection market has entered the laser era, not only in the traditional business education market, but also in the high-end digital projector market. Due to its low cost, wide color gamut, and high contrast, laser light sources have become a trend in the digital ci

Future 3D Printing Will Drive Electric Vehicle Industry

Since the birth of commercialized additive manufacturing products (3D printers), more than 20 years of development have passed, and various additive manufacturing technologies are maturing. Since 2012, extensive news media coverage has attracted enough attention, accelerated the populariza

Can't wash large parts?

Many homes will save a lot of large items to clean, what curtains, sofa sets, etc., but put these large pieces in the washing machine, the washing machine in the home often strikes, because the washing machine capacity in the home is insufficient. In order to take care of the w